At Smallbytes we keep things simple.

EULA policy

Last Updated: February 27, 2020

Whoa, what’s this?

Hi. You’ve found Smallbytes EULA policy.

Really? Really? Wait, why is there an echo in here? Wait, why is there an echo in here?

Hold on. Hold on. There, that’s better.

So, why is Smallbytes interested in licenses?

Well, because we take your privacy seriously. And we’re not just saying that.


And, well, because we’re legally required to have a privacy policy. But still. We do care.

So I have to read this?

Maybe? but on a serious note,  we really want you to know what we’re doing about your privacy. Also, because we paid our lawyers a lot for this, and we’d like to get our money’s worth.

Will this EULA  ever change?

All things change. Change is good. Just look in the mirror.

Will you tell me if you change this privacy policy?

If we do something small, like fix a speling mistake, we won’t do anything. If we do something important, like become really evil, we’ll put a notice on this website, telling you all about it. That way you can see what changes we made and decide if you still like us.

What if I don’t like the changes?

You always will.

But what if I don’t?

If you don’t, we must part ways. Dealers choice.

What if I do like the changes, do I have to tell you?

Nah. We love getting email, but you’ve got better things to do. (Water your plants, maybe?) If you go on using our sites after we publish the notice, it means you’re okay with the policy changes. No need to tell us, just keep on truckin’.

Keep on truckin’? What is this, Smokey and the Bandit?

Excuse Me?

Ok, what happens now?

Here below, we (“Smallbytes”) will explain to you (“you”) how we (“Smallbytes”) treat the personal information (“Personal Information”) we collect from visitors (“Visitors”).

What is “Personal Information”? Who is a “Visitor”? What’s with the quotation marks? And why do you suddenly sound like a lawyer?

Glad you asked. A “Visitor” is someone who visits our site. Like you. “Personal Information” is information about you that is personally identifiable, such as your name, address, email address, or phone number, and information that is not otherwise publicly available.

Why do I feel like I'm Sinking. Do you see this?

Don’t worry about it.

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